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Several Ways to Manage Being Disneyland Tired

My daughter loves theater and is currently cast in her high school's production of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. As current Secretary and next year's President of the Booster Club, I was, of course, at the school last week helping with Tech Week. Due to unusual circumstances this year, there was still a lot that needed to get done before the show opened. I helped with sets, costumes, photography, and decorating the lobby, among many other things. It was a long, exhausting week.

At a staff meeting at church last week, my friend ask me how I was doing. I said I was, "Disneyland tired." As anyone who has spent the day at Disneyland knows, by the end of the day, you are exhausted and you want to never have to walk again. For me, it has the added bonus of including a migraine. Don't get me wrong, I love spending a day at Disneyland. It is my happy place. But the crowds, heat, and running around also generally leave me with a migraine for most of the day.

That is how last week felt. I spent the week with a migraine. I did not get enough sleep. I was completely exhausted by the end of the week... well, to be honest, I was exhausted by Tuesday... I really wanted to just cut off my feet from all the standing and running around. At the same time, I loved it. Basically, I felt like I had spent a day at Disneyland.

I know that a day (or week) like that takes a huge physical toll on me. (If you have never read The Spoon Theory by Christine Miserandino, I highly recommend it.) I have learned over the years that I need to pace myself, that I cannot do everything. I think I managed very well this time. Here some of the ways I made it through the week:

  • Just Say No!: You do not have to do everything (although sometimes I try). I intended to make cupcakes for the concession stand. Saturday morning, I went downstairs and even started to pull ingredients out before realizing that I had already done enough. I put the ingredients away and went back to bed.

  • Medication Is Okay: I used to feel so guilty taking any kind of medication. I have learned that it is okay to take what I need. I am not an addict and I regularly talk to my doctors about what I am taking, how much I am taking, and if there are alternatives that might work. And then, when I am in need of something, I take it.

  • Be Honest About Your Feelings: I was a grump last week, as my husband could tell you. I was also aware of it and I apologized many times. I also told him when I just needed some quiet alone time to recuperate.

  • Take A Break: As much as there was to do, there were also many times where I just had to stop for a bit and sit down. That is okay.

  • Know Your Limits: One of my triggers for a pressure headache is bending over. The more I do it, the more likely I am to get a pressure headache or migraine (or make the one I currently have worse). So anytime there was something on the floor to be picked up or cleaned up, I asked someone else to do it. Sometimes I explained and sometimes I did not.

  • Make a Recovery Plan: One of the most important things I have learned is to give myself time to recover from a week like that. I do not always get it right. I learned this time around to make sure I am not scheduled to teach a class of preschoolers on Sunday morning after Tech Week. I realized just how tired I was, so I chose to not go to first service on Sunday. We post the podcast from service, so I can listen to the message and I got some much needed rest. I have also taken it slow this week and allowed myself recovery time.

What are the things you do to help you when you have a "Disneyland Tiring" week?

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